Saturday, March 21, 2009

Easter swap talk and embroidered cupcake

I'm in a spring Easter swap on Craftster, so I've been busy doing projects for that. I'm also planning on making another baby cocoon, maybe with cables this time! I've never crochet with cables before, but I love the look and have been watching Youtube videos on how to do them so we'll see how that works out. I've also just made some name letters to hang on the wall above Ethan's crib, all I need to do is varnish them and hang them up and I'll post a picture!

I'm going shopping today for some baby stuff and maybe another maternity's been so hot here (at least I have been!) that I've been living in sundresses haha.

Just so it's not a text only post, here is the cupcake I embroidered and attached to the pink baby cocoon :)

The color is a little off, but you get the idea.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Baby monster booties and hat

Here are two more projects that I made for the little baby booties and a little hat!

I also added the adult version of the Ninja Turtle hat pattern to the newborn when you buy it you get two patterns. I *still* am trying to get my shrug pattern together, it's an easy pattern...but I need pictures! :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spiderman Beanie

Eep, I was hoping to do a full post today...but I've been so busy! Hopefully in the next couple of days :)

Meanwhile, here is a pattern for sale on my Etsy shop for a baby Spiderman beanie!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baby Ninja Turtle Beanie Pattern

Just a quick update to say I've added a pattern for a baby Ninja Turtle beanie in my shop! Bigger update tomorrow :)